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"Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus" by Waterhouse (1900) |
“Traditional Pagan culture offered all kinds of views of death and the after-life: ranging from a terrifying series of punishment for those who had sinned in this life, through a more or less pleasant state of being that followed but was secondary to this life, to uncertainty or denial that that any form of after-life was possible (or knowable) … the official state cult did not particularly emphasise the fate of the individual after death, or urge a particular view of the after-life [Beard et al, Religions of Rome 1 at 289-290].”
Traditional views – realms of the dead
The conventional
view of life after death in ancient Rome conceived of an afterlife wherein the
soul separated from the body and then typically lived on in the underworld
kingdom of Orcus (Dis Pater/Pluto). Sometimes the spirits of the dead might
return to the world of the living, as either Manes (protecting spirits of the dead)
or Lemures (malevolent spirits of the
dead). Over time, Roman ideas
about the afterlife came to be strongly influenced by Hellenic visions, which
were themselves not always uniform. The features most commonly ascribed to the afterlife
included descriptions of Hades being surrounded by various rivers, including
the rivers Styx, Acheron and Lethe. From this latter river the dead drank the
waters so to forget their former lives. Meanwhile they crossed the river Styx
by paying Charon the ferryman – thus the dead customarily had a coin placed in
their mouths or their hands lest their souls be stranded in limbo. Upon
crossing to the other side of the river they were confronted by Cerberus, the three-headed
dog, who prevented unauthorised souls from entering or leaving Hades. Once
within Hades, the earthly behaviour of the dead was judged by Minos,
Rhadamanthys and Aecus, to determine their fate in the next life. War heroes went
to the paradisiacal Elysium, as did, by some accounts, the virtuous. Those guilty
of hubris or other behaviour deemed particularly offensive to the Gods might find themselves in Tartarus: a place of divine punishment apparently
inhabited by only the most unfortunate of criminals. Meanwhile most of the dead
were thought to dwell on in the Asphodel fields, which was neither particularly
pleasant nor unpleasant.